I won’t misunderestimate him again

It’s not so much that George Bush is a moron as it is that he’s a really bad president. A really bad president. An assessment of media war coverage and my pick for 2004. Death is never an easy thing, but the rah-rah press coverage in Iraq has done its best...

If you can’t say something nice…

Bowling for Columbine wins for best documentary, and the director goes off. Some would say the deep end. I’m confident that Michael Moore, during his acceptance speech at the Oscars, said exactly what he meant to say. He intended to be incendiary, using his...

Julie’s in town

Julie’s in town, on vacation from her work and home in Hartford, Connecticut to visit family and friends. She stopped by yesterday and today so that we could catch up and get a web site going to support her belly dance endeavors.  Every so often we’d...

Operation Oily Residue begins

It’s bombs away, but the stuff that’s going to change your life is happening on the Portland city streets. As Mr. Burns might say, “Release the hounds.” I don’t have anything against anti-war protests. I’ve been in a few myself,...

Joe and I finish the trim

Exterior window trim might not sound sexy to you, but, hey, it was a slow news day. Joe and I tackled the biggest remaining exterior project from the nursery room remodel of a few weeks ago. Yesterday I’d purchased some good grade 1 x 4 cedar boards at Parr...