Ty’s kicking it down at the park; baby’s kicking it down in the womb.
I resumed soccer kick arounds at Bush Park on Tuesday, after a long cold lonely winter of very little exercise. A played decently for a guy who’s pudgy from laying off since last October. I desperately needed to restart my exercise program, and April through October, these twice a week soccer get-together form the backbone. I’m planning on playing some summer soccer on weekends with Dennis’ coed team in Portland. I’m sure all that plus taking care of Baby Davison will be sufficient on the exercise side of things.
Speaking of Baby Davison, we had the latest OB/GYN check-up today, and things continue to go well. The cervix is starting to soften and efface, but the doctor thinks we’re probably at least a week or two out from birth. That makes sense given that Baby’s 37 weeks along. Baby has a heart rate of 128 BPM. Doc said that “sounds like a boy” but admitted that was really insufficient evidence to draw any conclusions. We’re aiming for “healthy” and will be happy with boy or girl. For those wondering, most people have told us they think it will be a girl; Erin has no innate “mother’s intuition” on the matter either way. (It goes without saying that when I have a gut feeling about something it’s usually indigestion, so I have no clue here.)
For someone carrying a baby almost 38 weeks old, Erin continues to bear the burden well. Indeed, if this is a period of “confinement” we should all be so lucky. She’s still maintaining a full workload at school, and exercising by walking the track with friends several times a week. Her weight is up 32 lbs. from where she started, which is right on track. She continues to look fantastic, too.
The plan is for Erin to work as long as she feels capable. Given her strength and constitution, I wouldn’t be surprised if that meant right up until the day of delivery. Nonetheless if she feels the need to bail early or if the kid arrives before we anticipate, we’ve got money stashed for those possibilities. Once Baby Davison is on scene, Erin’s school year is over other than to visit her classes once, kid in tow, to show off the child. After a long winter of little exercise, I’m looking forward to a long summer busy with activity.