Jonah checks out OK, and Laura Ellen Ogle enters the world.

Jonah’s six-month Well Baby check out went flawlessly. He’s 17 lbs. 10 oz. and 27.25″ long. On the EPIC charts, that’s roughly the 50 percentile for weigh and the 75th percentile for height. In other words, right where he needs to be. The Doc poked, prodded, and peered around and everything seems fine. Jonah had gone a few days without pooing, which had us a bit concerned, but the doctor said as long as he’s still urinating and isn’t in any discomfort, babies can go up to a week without defecating before there’s cause for worry. (November 5 update: Three major poos in under an hour. Hurray!?) Jonah then got his six-month immunizations, which he bore well. I picked up a flu shot since they were available and free.

On top of all this good news, we received the happy word from Matt that Ginger gave birth this morning to a baby girl, Laura Ellen Ogle. Welcome to the world, little one, and congratulations to your parents!