Party Time with Dr. Lucky

Battle Ground, Washington Joe and Carol host another great one! Happy birthday wishes to Joe and Carol, who hosted an awesome get-together attended by Eileen and Dave; Susan; Matt, Ginger, and Laura; Dennis and Maria; and Erin, Jonah, and me. We ate a great chicken...

Bullet the Blue Sky

And anything else I think is worth talking about. That’s right, bullet-points ahead. Just so nobody thinks I’m slacking, I’ll start by mentioning that it’s been a busy week. Here’s some of the stuff I wish I had more time to write about:...

He sits, crawls, stands, walks

A lot can happen in a week. Some of this is just me being a proud parent, but Jonah’s growth in the last week amazed me. I noticed the big increase in his feet first, but that’s not the growth I’m talking about. When I left on Monday morning Jonah...

Happy in the Bay

Los Altos, California From MacWorld to Return of the King, a great three days in the Bay Area. Dave and I spent Tuesday at MacWorld in San Francisco. Slightly smaller show than previous years, but we found lots of goodies to inspire techno-lust. For those interested,...

#$@&! Barbra Streisand!

Los Altos, California Neither rain nor sleet nor anything else will stop me from killing my Mazda dead, dead, dead when I get back from MacWorld. I blame Canada. Snowy, icy conditions this morning made for a treacherous drive to Eugene to meet Dave so that we could...