Daddy is very excited because he’s set up a new picture gallery for me. He says that this one is better than the old DOT MAC version for several reasons.
First, you can display an automated slideshow. That means that when you click the slideshow button, the computer will automatically move from one picture to the next without you having to click anything more.
Second, this gallery allows you to order pictures from any one of three different online photo printing services. That means if you see a picture of me that is particularly cute–and that would be most of them, right?–you can order a print of it online. Nifty, says Dad.
Third, Dad is allowed to add his long-winded text comments to any picture he sees fit. That means if he thinks an image is especially noteworthy he can rant and rave to his heart’s content. Understandably, he’s keen on the idea.
So check out my new Photo Gallery by clicking the link on the right side of the page. It replaces the old DOT MAC photo gallery that will be eliminated over the course of the next few days. Thanks!
UPDATE: Daddy says that he’s finished moving over all the DOT MAC photo galleries and that he thinks he’ll have a new photo gallery of me online this weekend. Wouldn’t that be great?