by Ty Davison | Apr 24, 2006 | News & Commentary
Time constraints being what they are, it has proved very difficult for me to maintain a consistent blogging schedule. While some rejoice at this prospect, others are a mite miffed at not getting their recommended daily allowance of Ty Goodness™. My apologies all...
by Ty Davison | Apr 15, 2006 | Apple
(Anyone? Anyone?…Crickets chirp, the wind blows softly, in the distance a dog howls….) I mentioned a couple months ago that I would have an announcement in the weeks following my membership in the Apple Consultants Network and my Apple Help Desk...
by Ty Davison | Apr 8, 2006 | Gallery
To celebrate our recovery from the flu, I’ve sorted through and posted 50-some images from January and February of this year. It’s a gallery called Jan-Feb 2006. Hope you like it!
by Ty Davison | Apr 8, 2006 | News & Commentary
Everybody is pretty much recovered from the awful week that was. Let me tell you that Norovirus stomach flu thing is not something you want to get. Haven’t been that sick since I dunno when. Very happy to be over and pretty done with it. Erin returned to school...
by Ty Davison | Apr 3, 2006 | News & Commentary
They should stick a giant Q on our front door and circle our house several times with caution tape. I got the flu bug last night, and experienced the worst vomiting episodes I’ve encountered in years. Erin is maybe 75 percent now, increasingly well throughout...