by Ty Davison | Nov 29, 2006 | News & Commentary
Caught Little Miss Sunshine this evening at the local cheap theatre. Highly recommended.
by Ty Davison | Nov 23, 2006 | Apple
If you’re planning to buy any Apple-related products (including iPods!) soon and would care to support yours truly, my company has launched an online store at Most prices are below retail, and shipping on most items is free. Hope...
by Ty Davison | Nov 23, 2006 | News & Commentary
Jonah’s a boisterous boy nowadays, a situation made none-the-better by constant weeks of rain. He is remarkably full of energy, and on days like today where the cold and wet weather dictates we be primarily inside, getting him sufficiently exhausted can prove a...
by Ty Davison | Nov 21, 2006 | News & Commentary
“I am thankful for dragons.” —Jonah’s preschool-made Thanksgiving tribute art page, full of pretty colors and designs, and, obviously, what he’s most thankful for. Personally, I don’t think life would be worth living in a world...
by Ty Davison | Nov 8, 2006 | News & Commentary
I am trying not to sound too condescending when I say hurray for the electorate in joining the rational world who saw Bush et al. for the evil incompetents they are some six years ago. Let’s just forget that you were late and embrace the idea that you showed up...