Jonah’s first baseball game

Jonah’s AA baseball game yesterday was not exactly one for the record books. The spring-action pitching gizmo kept moving around so the coaches (who operate it) had to do lots of practice pitches to calibrate it before anyone could bat. (They said afterward that...

iPad Keyboard Dock

I’ve just received the iPad Keyboard Dock. This entry is being typed on it using the iPad’s WordPress app. What I’ve discovered so far is that the Dock has a feel very much like the standard Mac keyboard. (I’ve also found that using the Tab key...
PVP, We Hardly Knew Ye

PVP, We Hardly Knew Ye

Because I’m going to be fairly critical I want to start by stating flatly that Scott Kurtz’ Player vs. Player (aka PVP) was my favorite comic, web or printed, for years. Kurtz’ has a wonderfully developed sense of humor and comes from a Gen X...