I’ve upgraded MovableType from version 2.6xx to version 3.121 in an effort to curb that awful comment spam problem I got hit with the other day. Henceforth, commenters will be required to give a name and email address (apologies to anyone put off by this). This will help a bit, but the real big arrow in the quiver now is the ability to search comments by the person who posted them and take an action (like delete) in one quick step.

The rebuilding of pages within the new version of MovableType is much faster. Otherwise it seems about the same, though I’m having an odd screen display issue in Safari where the editing column for entering text is very narrow. Have to do some research on that.

[UPDATE: Rebuilding the site and upgrading to MacOS 10.3.6 (which has a newer build of Safari) solved the MovableType screen display issue. 10.3.6 has seemed a little iffy thus far and there are many complaints about it on the net. Not presently recommended if you’re running 10.3.5 successfully.]

If anyone notices anything funky in the new system, please LMK via email or comments here. Thanks!