I’m fairly confident in saying that what with the birth of our third child likely coming in the next week and what with me playing some of the best soccer I have in years, that now is a really lousy time for me to throw out my back.

But there it is. At Tuesday night’s soccer scrimmage about 30 minutes in -doink-. I had a hastily arranged session with my massage therapist on Wednesday morning and I’ve been downing Advil, but so far, my back is pretty unhappy with me. I’ve had it far worse—meaning I can lay down, sit and stand without too much discomfort—but it’s an unfortunate turn of affairs right now.

Should be better within a week—two tops—but I don’t think Baby Davison #3 is looking to wait that long. Erin predicts arrival within the next 48 hours. Any news in that regard will be posted here.

In the meanwhile, HUGE THANKS to Dave for his assistance with yesterday’s sheet rocking in the family room. We’re just about all done, and I literally couldn’t have done it without him. Room looks really good. Replacement window should be here in 2-3 weeks, after which we’ll complete the sheet rocking (only a bit under the window to go) and hop on the taping, mudding, and texturing. It’s only sort of a half room remodel—we’ll do the other half next summer maybe—but it’s going to be starkly different and in a good way.