Advice for Democrats

One of the principles of stoic philosophy is to only worry about things within your control. What’s the point of worrying if you can do nothing about it? I believe most would, upon reflection at least, agree with this. (In fact, I’d go further and say that there...

News Sources

My news sources as of 2023. I plan to update this list. We live in an age where most news sources cannot be trusted implicitly. If something sounds fishy, it likely is and requires that you do further research. Finding primary sources is not easy and it’s...

Ed Davison Field

Dear friends, look at what we have done together! What an achievement this is! Atop 1.1 million pounds of sand and gravel lies an enormous, FIFA Quality Pro turf field that will enable Capital Futbol Club, CFC, to serve the children and families of this community for...

Trump and COVID-19

[This essay was also crossposted to Facebook on October 2, 2020.] If your response to the news that President Trump has COVID-19 was “it’s a hoax” then this essay is directed to you. Given all the gaslighting and lying from the president, skepticism...


The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines stereotype thusly: n. A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image. n. One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type. Because human beings are...

Fourth of July 2020

Another day in Oregon with 344 new cases, second highest (yesterday was higher). The United States will report over 50,000 new cases nationwide. The to-do list would have seemed somewhat simple: Mask, meet outdoors, physically distance, ventilate interior spaces with...