Reflections 9/11

Lessons going unlearned can be funny or sobering. Guess which it is today? We stop today to reflect upon the horror and pain of a year ago and to continue pondering the motivations of evil Islamic fanatics who would kill innocents as a means of attacking the larger...

I protest

It now seems all but inevitable that George Bush will cast aside world opinion and illegally violate the territorial sovereignty of another nation. Perhaps this will take place with the assistance of Great Britain or maybe it will be a unilateral action, but unlike...

Winning the American Game

Words, words, and more words on how to get rich (hint: not quickly) and on how to properly understand this screwy board game called Life. I mean capitalism. Either way, time to sell the cattle ranch! Introduction American capitalism is one big game. There are winners...

How Few Thoughts a Brain Holds 5

Chinese airplane bumper cars, Microsoft’s Passport revoked, BC forgets to bring the funny, the NBA tries to get “in the zone,” and the hubris of dot-commers remembered with a sad shake of the head and roll of the eyes. I’m probably the only...

How Few Thoughts a Brain Holds 4

Thus spake Zarathustra: Any commentary on 2001 shall include a Green Bay Packer with mouse ears, Dubya’s elevation to the presidency, a rash of dot-com deaths, and the latest in Microsoft idiocy. And so it was written. I’m imagining the commercial would go...

Let’s Be Careful Out There

I live my own episode of COPS. Guns, drugs, busts, sirens, traffic stops. An average night in the life of a Salem Police officer, an adrenaline rush of major proportions for me. Kudos and thanks to the men and women in blue. December 8-9, 2000 8:30 PM: I’m...