by Ty Davison | Nov 28, 2020 | News & Commentary
The self-esteem movement of the ‘80s and ‘90s meant well, which is probably the best one can say about it. But it was based on the falsehood that everyone is special and should feel great about themselves regardless of character or effort. Decoupling...
by Ty Davison | Sep 12, 2020 | News & Commentary
19 families buy nearly 97 acres of land in Georgia to create a city safe for Black people – CNN: “Welcome to Freedom!” exclaims real estate agent Ashley Scott as she surveys the nearly 97 acres of land that she and a group of 19 Black families...
by Ty Davison | Aug 2, 2020 | News & Commentary
Trader Joe’s, responding to demands to change its packaging, says the product labels aren’t racist – CNN: More than 5,000 people have signed a petition calling on the grocery store chain to change what they call its racist branding names, using...
by Ty Davison | Aug 2, 2020 | News & Commentary
I saw author Garry Kasparov, then world chess champion, speak at Stanford University in the ’90s. He’s a brilliant mind with interests far beyond the chessboard. America’s Mission – Persuasion: From the very beginning, that nation was rife with...
by Ty Davison | Jul 4, 2020 | Essays
Another day in Oregon with 344 new cases, second highest (yesterday was higher). The United States will report over 50,000 new cases nationwide. The to-do list would have seemed somewhat simple: Mask, meet outdoors, physically distance, ventilate interior spaces with...