
Inflation in the economy may be making a comeback – The Washington Post: Significant price increases have affected used cars, medical care, appliances, energy, food and cigarettes in recent months, according to government data. Gas prices headed higher on Monday...

Doordash and Pizza Arbitrage

Doordash, GrubHub, UberEats all leave a bad taste. Doordash and Pizza Arbitrage – Margins by Ranjan Roy and Can Duruk: In March 2019 a good friend who owns a few pizza restaurants messaged me (this friend has made appearances in prior Margins’ pieces). For...

Worldwide COVID-19 modeling

Australian National University has run seven scenarios on the likely worldwide outcomes of the SARS-CoV 2 viral pandemic. Best case scenario (low severity model): Global GDP loss of $2.4 trillion with an estimated 15 million dead. Worse case scenario (high severity...

Comcast fires 500 Comcast pushed for tax cut, fired employees had to sign NDAs to get severance.Well, this sounds like Comcast.