Actual Malice

The amazing thing about the Depp-Heard defamation suit is that “actual malice,” the standard to prove defamation for someone who’s famous, is a difficult standard to meet. That’s why defamation suits are rarely brought by famous people in the...

The ACLU is trash

Helping Amber Heard Was Just the Start of the ACLU’s Problems – The Atlantic: In 1978, the ACLU successfully defended the right of neo-Nazis to march in Skokie, Illinois, a community populated by Holocaust survivors. But in 2018, following the ACLU’s...

The Rittenhouse Verdict

The Rittenhouse case was lost during the prosecution. Under state law once a reasonable claim of self-defense was made—and the prosecution(!) videos and witnesses clearly made that case—the burden falls to the DA to prove that it was not self-defense. They...

Texas abortion law is terrible law

For decades pro-life efforts to restrict abortion have crashed against the rocks of Roe v. Wade. Besides being extraordinary restrictive (6 weeks), the Texas law uses a novel legal concept to (apparently) escape judicial scrutiny: enforcement is up to private citizens...